As a former student, one of my main ways of getting through the tougher moments was through studying along with others. This however, became increasingly hard due to the pandemic. I therefore created the Study Buddy service as a way for students to be find each other again, and be able to set up their own study groups.



Create a platform that allow students to set up study communities with each other. By filtering through profiles, students can find others with similar objectives and create collaborative spaces where they can share files, set up goals, chat and make calls.

The service is made to appear simple and clean, easy to navigate and without too many distractions. Pops of color are integrated via background illustrations and icons from various user projects.

Design System.

Making Contact.

As the main goal of the service is to enjoy study sessions with your study group, creating the group has been made as easy as possible. Simply filter, press the add icon and shoot them a message. If the other side responds, a study space is automatically set up for you.

Design System for Handheld.

While the general design system remained the same for both devices, some elememts had to be tucked away behind menus/buttons. However, functions like the student finder were altered in a way that resembles the design patterns that are already in place for handheld devices. This was done in order to ease people into using the app.

Thank You