To get a broadened perspectvie on how their online webpage could be iterated upon, ESSIQ asked for the creation of a list of specifications which would outline possible improvements based on research. Alongside this, a prototype exemplifying how the list could be intereperated was also created.

This is part of the Bachelor’s thesis “Specifications for a new web page Creating the groundwork for a new iteration of ESSIQ’s web page” created at Chalmers University of Technololgy.


UX Research & Design


6 Months

The Problem

How can we improve ESSIQ’s existing model as well as increase the companies reach while simultaneously finding an effective way to promate their new vision?

The Solution

A reimagined version of the current website based on user research that is designed to suit all of the companys targeted users whilst also conveying ESSIQ’s values.

Introducing, the new iteration of ESSIQ’s website

The new website (showing an example of how one could implement the list of specifications) shows a simplified layout that prioritizes clear and concise information. It also features a more playful tonality as well as a more standardized nav-bar.


In order to get a better understanding of the users ESSIQ were targeting, a plethera of user research was conducted on both targeted users as well a potnetial users. With the information in hand, empathy maps and ‘how might we’s’ were created.


When research was completed and the list of specifications established, the project moved towards the creation of a new iteration of the website. This was done through multiple methods such as brainstorming and crazy eights.

More Mockups & Design exploration

After several rounds of iteration based of user feedback and feedback from the company, a high fidelity prototype was constructed. Below are examples of the final design.

Thank You